
Thursday 21 May 2020



  1. Wow you are learning about Jesus i used to but now I don't hi thought my name is Ashlee and I am a student here at Yaldhurst Model School you did so well I am really surprised I don't know anything about Jesus

    Why did you like of doing a blog post about that not saying it's bad it's actually great I am so happy that people talk about him

    good job
    Sincerely Ashlee

  2. Hello Faye my name is Shay and im from yaldhurst maodel school. Thanks for the interesting information about Jesus. I use to go to an after school program were we all learnt about Jesus. Maybe next time you could add more calour. Also add like three qustions at the en dof your blog post. I do that on every blog post I post on my blog! It helps you and others who weiw your blog have a connection. over all you did an amazing job.
    - Shay
